EPIC GHOSTLY SPECTRE song!!! (we all collectively like it)
HELLO!!! I'm Jimmy the dancing ghoul!!!! Click me to exit the GHOSTLY SPECTRE ZONE!!!
The FOOLISH webmaster of this website wasn't aware of our GHOSTLY power to spread!!!
Now we've made a portal to the GHOSTLY SPECTRE ZONE!!! in a section of the electrical back-backstage! What a FOOLISH BLUNDER of this Sireington!!!
YOU! you CUNNING, SMART explorer, DISCOVERER of the GHOSTLY SPECTRE ZONE!!!. REMEMBER! To check every once in a while for whatever WONDEROUS addition to this site APPEARS!!
WE'LL be SPREADING and EXPANDING our GHOSTLY SPECTRE ZONE!!! as the FOOLISH webmaster expands the rest of his BLUNDEROUS website!!
what do you dream? When you look up into the sky, every twinkling spot decorating something impossibly large?
when some dream
with their body lean
they dream of a dreamiest dreams
and maybe, when you fall asleep, you'll see those stars gleam
but we
those who slept eternally
that dreamiest dream
awoke in dreamiest, euphoric life
a ghostly visage of carelessness
spectres of life, now witht the afterglow of the stars and the dusts of nebulas
and so we dance on this fine interwoven line of copper and rust, of life and death, fused by the closest thing between these two realms,
the dreamiest dream.